This book is a cellebration of the old face of futura. I found that the old letter ‘g’ resembled a face and so decided to incorporate the idea of 'the old face of futura' on the cover. Also, the letter ‘g’ was the one letter that Renner had most dificulty designing so was the most significant letter in the typeface. I played around with various ways ofusing the letter but settled on punching the shape of the letter through the front cover so that when the cover was shut, the ‘g’ was visible.
Although Renner was not directly afflicted with the bauhaus, his work strongly resembled its style. I was interested in the way that the typeface was geometrically created using circles, triangles and squares and so wanted to use this idea on the cover. Kandinsky’s theory represents each shape as a different colour claiming the colours compliment the shape; Triangle: yellow, Square: red and Circle: blue. It was because of this I decided to use the colours on the front cover, highlighting the geometric shapes within the typeface.
I then transfered this geometric idea into the book and made a master grid using circles, triangles and squares, as I found it fitting to ‘geometrically’ create the book, like the typeface was ‘geometrically’ designed.
The end result is a geometrical book designed in the stlye of Paul Renner and the Bauhaus.