Sunday, 16 January 2011

One Seventeen is a brand new high performance sailing brand aimed to bring sailors high tech, top of the range equipment to boost personal performance. The market they want to be selling their products to is the competitive dingy sailing market.
Our brief was to research into competitive sailing and brand this new, up and coming company. Mark and Laurence, the founders of the company, feel that there is a gap in the sailing market for high performance equipment and want to provide sailors with high end, scientifically tested and proved gear.
I took this idea and looked into the science side of the company, after a bit of research I found that the periodic table had recently been completed. In April 2010 the last element of the periodic table had been found. Element One Seventeen (ununseptium). I decided to use this scientific concept of the company filling a gap in the sailing market and One Seventeen filling the last gap in the periodic table. And so I called the company One Seventeen.
The company logo comes from the electronic structure of this new element. I decided to use a pantone blue to relate the company to the sea. The logo and concept is used across everything, from being interactive on the website, to splitting through the business cards, blown up with an image inside for the posters and changes colour for product labels depending on whether the product keeps you warm or cold.

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