Friday 24 December 2010

Radio 4 News animation

This is the flash animation I made in first year for BBC RADIO 4 NEWS. I made it on flash (never again) which proved to be a hideously awequard programme to use, and even though I made everything the way I should have, Flash still added in some jumps and pauses of its own...

Wednesday 22 December 2010

La Sagrada Familia word mark

Above is my wordmark inspired by 'La Sagrada Familia'. We were given the brief to create a wordark, typeface and promotional material inspired by a historic landmark.

To the left is my Antoni Gaudi inspired typeface. Gaudi often used twisted forms inspired by nature to construct his buildings. I used the type face 'Gil Sans' and twisted it by splitting each letter into two, which other way looked best, and flipping one half of the image over. I overlaid my new typeface on a copy of original 'Gil Sans' to increase legibility.

P.O.S.H magazine

This is an old first year project. We had a brief to design a local magazine for Plymouth. I decided to base the magazine on Plymouth's boat scene as it is a huge influence on the infrastructure of the city both historically and now. We were asked to brand the magazine and make the first issue with a cover, contents page and an article that ran retro, spread, verso.
I called the magazine POSH, as the word posh is thought to have derived from the 1800's where the rich would sit on the port side of the boats on the trading routes to Africa and the starboard side on the way back in order to catch the sunrise in the morning. Port Out Starboard Home.
This also pushed me try to give the magazine a 'posh' feel in the way it is laid out and presented.
I based the article on 'Plymouth Race Week' which is due for the first time in the summer of 2011 and will be a landmark event for Plymouth, bringing in spectators and competitors from around the globe.

Movember flyer

This is a flyer I was asked to do for the 'white rabbit' pub chain in plymouth. They wanted a flyer to promote two evenings for Movember. I was asked to design the flyer last minute one evening, to be printed the next day, and so went for a simple design and idea. They decided to go for the inversed version of the final design (on the far left).

Tuesday 21 December 2010

First post

Kelly Slater
10x world champ
Random image to get a quick first post up work to come...